Τετάρτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

The Legion of Religion against Conscience of Science.

you: You will be amazed... you will be AMAZED....

me: With what?

you: If you get to see how Jesus warms up your heart.

me: But warmth alone is not enough... Truth is what I lust.

you: If Truth is what you seek; Jesus is where the dead ends meet, merging them with love and weep.

me: But what I get is not what I seek cause fear and evil is behind the tree.

you: If you believe, you will see that all is there is none but lies that your faith will soon clear as the sunny skies.

me: I can't... I can't... I can't believe that Adam and Eve that they were the first ever to be....
me: I can't believe that evolution's ruse that science made up for us to fool...

you: Close your eyes and you will see... that all that lives and ever lived was made by God in a day's piece.

me: But man has reason and reason sees that this cannot be... Cause a day of 24 has more minutes than a day before... spiraling to the night above, nothing made our lives more sure...

you: Forget yourself from being you and see that something's there for you to view. It's not the center of a being but endless Love and all there is...

me: I see, I see but my eyes too blind to feel all what yours know is real. They were forged by different Gods for another line of work... For mine are here to seek what is left unknown and yours are there to yearn your soul's endless loan...
We are different in many ways, but when we cross we don't have to sway... our values our Truths... are left for us and there to stay..

Τετάρτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Hypershredder no.1 post.

[I guess some welcoming is appropriate for whoever takes the time to read these lines and/or future posts. ]

If you look down outside the door of my intellectual house of words and pictures, you will notice a WELCOME mat. This is not much of a warm start but previews the atmosphere inside the house. Like every home things happening, chats emerge, personalities are built and many more day to day thoughts are sprayed on the 'walls' without the fear of misunderstanding.